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Event Tickets

We are working on getting online ticket sales for our patrons! We ask for your indulgence and patience
while our volunteers prepare. We are hoping to have online ticket sales available for the fall season!

Currently there are four ways you can obtain tickets:
  1.   In Person at Thornbury Pharmasave, 45 Arthur Street West, Thornbury
  2.   In Person at Gabriele Photography, 133 Hurontario Street, Collingwood
  3.   Online click using the "Contact Us" tab - fill in your particulars, and select "Requests Tickets" under Inquire Category
  4.   At the door on the night of the concert - last minute cancellations (NO guarantees ) may have a few tickets. CASH only!

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Webdesign By: Stan Willington - Clarksburg, Ontario - (519) 599-2449